The Junk Drawer

This is where I'll be putting anything that doesn't fit anywhere else in this capsule, or that otherwise isn't worthy of having a main spot. Miscellanious files, or things that my friends have told me to put on here that doesn't actually deserve to be on here. Not to say that the stuff in here is bad...

I used the software Mandelbulber to make some fractal art





I keep getting suggested Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone memes on youtube. So I made my own.

Lemon Demon - Lifetime Achievement Award but the intro is shorter.mp3

My image on Station. Uploading it here saves me opening a web browser...



My Station profile

Two images of likely very limited use, but perhaps there's something you could do with them? These two images specifically are CC0.




Another audio meme thing. Not actually hosted here because it's quite a few files. The listening experience of a lifetime. Or a collection of tracks to sprinkle into a playlist to make for a slightly more anxiety-inducing listening experience.

(Kill Me), Maybe

🖇 gemini://